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Media presents a powerful way to engage and inform customers that visit your store. From promotional boards to multimedia hubs, SYNQ offers a suite of media solutions that help accelerate sales and improve the in-store customer experience. 


Beautiful media hubs

No matter the size or configuration, we can deliver powerful multimedia hubs that improve your store aesthetic and provide dynamic information to shoppers. Whether it's a 2x2, 3x3, or individual screen, we have a range of options to meet your media needs.


Driven by powerful software

Our dynamic media platform makes it simple for retailers to design and deliver dynamic media content to a range of displays. You can filter media based on brands, product-specific SKUS, or menu items, serving it up to all your locations from a unified platform.


Transform your
instore signage

Physical POP signage is manual in nature and requires constant updating, printing, and coordinating getting it properly placed across locations. Get rid of this headache by transitioning to digital signage - more compelling signage that can be updated once and pushed out to all your locations with ease.

Want to explore how SYNQ media can enhance your instore experience?

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